Sector SPDR ETFs: 2019 TV Spots



Select Sector SPDR had a high-concept investment strategy to promote: an investment in the S&P 500 is the industry standard, but their products can create a nuanced, equally balanced investment by over and underweighting individual sectors in a way that aligns with a client’s overall strategy. Furthermore, they wanted to communicate this strategy to Financial Advisors and portfolio managers who see the ads in their offices—where they often watch TV with the sound off.



In order to relay the investment strategy, we developed a model world of the S&P 500’s individual sectors—a simplified and tangible representation through woodblocks—showing how easily you can use Select Sector SPDRs to shift portfolio weighting from one sector over to another while maintaining full exposure to the S&P 500. Combined with representations of each sector’s components alongside color-coded ticker symbols that matched Select Sector SPDR’s branding, it offered a complete visual message that came across whether or not the voiceover was audible. 


While the Sector SPDR had never risked promoting nuanced strategies out of fear they were too complex for TV commercials, the message was received: the client plans to incorporate strategic concepts moving forward.


Sector SPDR ETFs High Impact Site Takeovers


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